miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

What is there to celebrate?

This year marks 200 years of the independence of Chile. is why it is necessary to review what has happened in 200 years of history. The historian Gabriel Salazar explains that when it celebrated the centennial of Chile, they had the same problems today: social inequality, discrimination of all kinds, insecure jobs, poor education, etc. So I think this year more celebrate the Bicentennial, we must review what the issues that are pending to be solved are. For this reason, this time we will review 3 reasons why we should not celebrate the Bicentennial, but you should stop and think, What we do with this? These 3 reasons are: because there is great social inequality, because we have a poor quality education and because that our civil rights are not respected.
First, we should not celebrate the bicentennial because there is great social inequality. Chile is among the 11 most unequal countries in the world, which means that the country's wealth is unevenly distributed and there are a small group of people who get high wages and a very large group that has low wages.

The second reason why we should not celebrate the bicentennial is because we have an education system that reproduces the inequalities and it don't delivery quality education. the State don't has assumed its responsibility and commitment to this area of development.

The third reason why we should not celebrate the bicentennial is because Chile did not respect the rights of ethnic are not respected and no freedom of expression because the media are controlled.

Then these three issues are reasons why we should not celebrate the bicentennial, but we must think how to forward to address these issues. Salud!

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Home Sweet Home

The homes are a refuge. They protect the treasures and dreams of those who inhabit them, so it's important that people are comfortable in the place where they live.

I have lived in 4 different locations and all I have been pleasant. When was a child, i lived in a flat in La Reina. It was a beautiful place, filled with trees and games for children. Then, when I was 7 years, my parents and me moved to a house in a condominium. But 3 years ago my parents split up so my mom, my sister and I went to live in another apartment in Ñuñoa. Then by reasons of the lease, we had to change the department from the front.

I love the apartment where I live now it because it is wider, has a large balcony and pieces. The neighborhood is very good because it is quiet, safe and is one block from Irarrázaval which is a main street in Ñuñoa then there is good transport.

My bedroom is a cozy place, because it is decorated by me and are things that interest me, also is spacious and has access to the balcony.
The problem of where I live now is that I do not know my neighbors, because there is no meeting space, there is not a common place where we can gather.

In the future I would like to live in an apartment because it is more practical than a house, but I like to live in a house because I would have a garden and plant my own vegetable ...


In everyday I do some green practices, but don’t really participate in environmental movements. In my daily life, I use water with responsability, for example I don’t leave the water running while brushing my teeth. Also, sometimes I prefer to walk rather than take bus to go to University, I take half an hour walk.

As for recycling, before, when was child, my mom gathered out a lot of waste in my house as empty cans, papers, newspapers, glass, etc. Then a passing truck to remove debris and took them to a recycling plant.

I think it's very important that certain habits of respect for the environment are taught by family and school. For example, my sister learned how to make recycled paper at school.

I have never belonged to environmental organizations and as Greenpeace, Secma (Environmental Secretariat of FECH), or South Seas Foundation, etc. But I've done work in the University to support neighborhood organizations that promote environmental protection and sustainable development.

In the commune of La Granja there is the "Environmental Committee for Life" is an organization that was to demand the regulation of the Municipality of companies that are in the industrial belt of the district. These companies throw toxic waste into the sewage and produce bad odors and pollution, which has produced high rates of cancer in the neighborhood.

I think it's very important that we use the knowledge we learn in the University to support these organizations as they make a defense for the environment in their neighborhoods. I wish more students are interested in developing this type of work and make their contribution to environmental care of there.