viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Literature and Books

Hi, the topic this week is Literature and Books!

I must read a lot because it is something that requires me the career I study: sociology. But I don’t read literature; I read papers, scientific texts about research, theories on society and the social sciences. Now, literature is of secondary importance in my life, but for me it is very important to read.

But when was a child, I read many stories. My mother is librarian, then she always showed me new books and we read stories together at night.

If it comes to literature, I like Latin American writers like Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa and Julio Cortázar. I also like the poetry of Nicanor Parra that don't use traditional language and writes about today's topic of Chile, since a very critical eye. Although I have not read, I heard that Milan Kundera is very interesting, I would like to know more.

There is a book I read when I was in school I liked a lot: “Pantaleón y las visitadoras” by Mario Vargas Llosa. Quartermaster Captain Pantaleon Pantoja has been entrusted with the task of organizing a service of "visiting" (prostitutes) for the troops Peruvian of High Amazon. The work becomes a satire of the military organization. Very interesting and fun!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Parents adopting more open attitude to alcohol, drugs and sex

A UK study reveals that parents adopting liberal positions with regard to drug, alcohol and sex.

The study shows that a third of parents you agree with your child from experimenting with cannabis, because they consider it an inevitable stage of growth of their children.

Regarding alcohol, the study shows that most parents is agree with their children drink at home occasionally since age 13. In fact, a quarter of Londoners recognizes that allowed their children to drink from the age of 10.

As for the consumption of drugs and alcohol, parents are more liberal than mothers.

Regarding the sexual orientation of their children, parents are liberal, because 75% of parents stated that no problems if your child would be gay. But there are differences between fathers and mothers, as mothers are more open to address this issue.

Frank Furedi, a sociology professor at the University of Kent, argues that parents today are more liberal, because they make every effort to give their children the freedoms that they never had when they were young. In that sense, today's parents understand that their children have the right to expermentar to find their way in the life.